- TEVA December Meeting is Sat Dec 7th 2019 at 9am. Back at TS Designs. Updates on: Spring 2020 National Drive Earth Day events:
* Odyssey in Triad * April 11, 2020 in Danville CC at the Danville Community College RCATT Building
https://driveelectricearthday.org/event.php?eventid=2192 - Triad EV Association is hosted its monthly meeting again at @TS Designs in Burlington Nov 2nd 2019 at 9am
The meeting agenda was:- Plan for participation at the ATME Conference in Charlotte NC 6-8NovMembership fees to fund programs at TEVA
- Programs for Schools in 2020: Engineers Week/DiscoverE.org Feb and March-April
- Drive Electric Earth Day and Spring Odyssey EVents
- New Vehicles Acquired by Members
- Any updates will be posted here, on Facebook (fb.com/groups/tevanc), and on Twitter (@TriadEVNC)
- TEVA 2nd Annual Pot Luck Fall Picnic at Amaral/Carter’s Roundhouse on October 5th
- Picnic prep will commence at 10am
- Family members welcome!
- Meet at TS Designs at 9am and carpool to the picnic at 9:30am, directions are available on request to info@tevanc.org
- An email will go out Sunday night Sept 29th to remind everyone who signed up for food & drink
- TEVA is meeting again at TS Designs at 9am Saturday September 7
- We have several upcoming events to review participation
- Any agenda update will be posted on Facebook (fb.com/groups/tevanc) and Twitter (@TriadEVNC)
- Meeting minutes from last month are posted here: http://bit.ly/teva-google-drive-folder
- TEVA is meeting again at TS Designs at 9am Saturday August 3
- Last month’s events
- Upcoming events: PepperFest with Drive Electric Week
- TEVA Foundation Meeting: prepare proposals for review by TEVA Foundation board after meeting
- Vote on adopting member dues for TEVA
- Around the table with our TEVA group
- TEVA is meeting again at TS Designs at 9am Saturday July https://www.facebook.com/events/542203349604567/?event_time_id=542203366271232
- Review last month’s member activities
- Plan for upcoming events including
- opportunity to participate in “Recycle Now” program at Bank of America in Greensboro
- Tue & Wed 9-10 July + Sustainable Fleet Technology Expo in Durham
- 7-8Aug https://www.sustainablefleetexpo.com
- Our usual time with each other sharing EV technologies with each other
- June 1st meeting is back at TS Designs, agenda:
- Upcoming events with participation requests
- IEEE Charlotte conference ATMAE.org 6-8Nov2019
- Sustainable Fleet Technology Conference & Expo 6-8Aug2019,
- National Drive Electric Week Sept 14-22, 2019
- Followup on events
- Drive Electric Earth Day building 2020 list
https://driveelectricearthday.org/volunteer.php - DEED/NDEW Followup Lessons Learned for organizing:
Webinar was Friday 31May 1300EDT, did anyone attend?
- Drive Electric Earth Day building 2020 list
- Other agenda items
- who can certify remaining life on EV battery pack for high voltage EVs?
- email list setup pending approval of Google for Nonprofits
- Alternative Energy planning tools, interest in participating in creating overview?
- NREL tools reviewed: REopt Lite, PVWatts, SAM
- NREL tools reviewed: REopt Lite, PVWatts, SAM
- Upcoming events with participation requests
- April 13th – Burlington Maker Faire at Holly Hills Mall in Burlington
- Setup starts at 8am and the Faire opens at 10am to 4pm [the link for the Faire is https://burlington.makerfaire.com/ ] This is our major K-12 outreach event for 2019!
- If you want a shirt as a volunteer, please go to this link and note that you are volunteering to work the TEVA booth and Light EV test area. The link is here: https://burlington.makerfaire.com/volunteer/
- April 27th – Greensboro Drive Electric Earth Day Odyssey event
- see our Facebook page on Facebook [ fb.com/Greensboro-Odyssey-278499218922471/ ] for the most recent updates on the event.
- The updated poster and a Facebook ad page are here in this album:https://flic.kr/s/aHsmBPYCoH
- CTEC students re-think electric-powered vehicles – Hoverboards, an electric tricycle, and building an electric truck are among projects at Alamance-Burlington’s technical high school. Article in the Burlington newspaper. Click here to read it. … and see more of this story covered on WGHP channel 8.” – https://myfox8.com/2018/12/24/ctec-students-build-electric-vehicles/
- CTEC students build electric vehicles: The WGHP web page with more information on the TEVA & LEVA work with Alamance CTEC may be found here. This piece aired on Christmas eve.
Announcements 2019
TEVA makes recommendations for EV charging in new parking decks
The Triad Electric Vehicle Association has developed recommendations for the two new parking decks being planned for downtown Greensboro. EV charging stations have been shown to attract affluent consumers to entertainment venues, restaurants, hotels and shopping. A significant savings will result from including EV charging capability in the initial designs for these two new parking decks. Here are TEVA’s recommendations for EV charging.
UNCG opens EV charging station in Oakland Parking Deck
The Triad Electric Vehicle Association helped inaugurate nine new charging stations in a University of North Carolina Greensboro parking deck. TEVA provided a Nissan Leaf, a Tesla Model X, and a Tesla Roadster to demonstrate the utility of the nine new stations (four at Level 2 and five at Level 1). The stations appear on the PlugShare Website. Charging is free, but there is a charge for parking.